Traditional Lands of Treaty 6 First Nations and the homelands of the Métis Nation of Alberta Region 4.

Westwood Unitarian Congregation

What's OnFundraisers

Seasonal Celebrations

A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.

Westwoodians love to celebrate. We mark holidays and holy days from many traditions, in our own way, with services, rituals and events.

Upcoming & Recent

Below you will find the latest notes and activities on Seasonal Services & Celebrations.

Celebrate the Summer Solstice with Us

Here Comes Summer! Join Cassie and others for a family friendly Celebration to…Read more ...

Celebrate 100 Years of the Flower Communion!

The first Flower Ceremony was held in Prague, in June 1923, led by…Read more ...


Latest Events

Have a look at Our Events

Below you will find the upcoming events in the building, on-line and off site.