Traditional Lands of Treaty 6 First Nations and the homelands of the Métis Nation of Alberta Region 4.

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What If We Prioritized Rest?

A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.

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October 6, 2024 

Topic: What If We Prioritized Rest?

When I think about prioritizing rest, my head fills with voices parents, mentors, even past employers — and I notice a strong reaction in my body. To help us understand what is happening and why rest is so significant, we will lean into the writings of black authors and activists such as Tricia Hersey, who have identified the theological necessity of rest for individuals and communities.

This service is part of the continuation of the Meaning Making Project from Saskatoon. This year’s overall theme is Roots of ResilienceOctober will focus on Intentional Rest.

Speaker: Reverend Karen Fraser Gitlitz

Service Leader: Rebecca Patterson

Musician: Carrie Day

Techs: Hannah, Brenda Niska-Aro, Bill Lee

We hope you enjoy this recording of our in-person and Zoom service. 

Please feel free to share this recording link with your friends and on social media.

We hope to see you live and online, every Sunday, 10:30 AM MT. (Zoom “doors” open at 10 AM.) 


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