Traditional Lands of Treaty 6 First Nations and the homelands of the Métis Nation of Alberta Region 4.

Westwood Unitarian Congregation

What's OnFundraisers
  • Posted On: October 18, 2024
  • Category: Board

Sounding Board October 2024

A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.

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  • We are making progress on our building maintenance, we have finished the outdoor painting and landscape grading around the church, and we have identified several other issues which will hopefully be finished before the snow flies.
  • We will be purchasing an AED (automated external defibrillator) device for the church and will be having some training dates set up on how to use it correctly.
  • The board is looking into reintroducing the hearing assistance technology, we have been having technical difficulties but haven’t given up yet!
  • There will be a Congregational Update on October 27th after the service. We will be discussing options for a new, possibly electronic sign that will go in front of the building, and there will be a vote on our board-recommended new Lay Chaplain – Jacqueline Willette.
  • Don’t forget the Building Connections dinner(s) on October 26th, it’s not too late to sign up, just contact Rebecca Patterson to register.
  • A note about the pre-recorded sermons we are purchasing – audio and video quality are greatly improved this year and the content is excellent. Please come out and support these wonderful services!

The weekend of March 7th to 9th, 2025

Choral Workshop with fantastic guest clinician Paula Roberts right here at Westwood!

Get out your calendars and Save The Dates of Upcoming Events of Interest, as we sincerely wish to see all of you: members, friends, visitors, seekers, always welcome!

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