- The Board met for the last time in 2024 by Zoom. Some of the highlights are:
- All are invited to join the board at “The Westwood of Our Imagination” Saturday, March 1 10:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. to discuss innovative strategies to to be together in spiritual community. Details to follow.
- Pancake Breakfast December 29 no formal service, in- person only. Gluten free and vegan pancakes (made off-site) will also be available.
- Beyond Land Acknowledgements Save the dates and note change to Sunday evenings : March 16 and June 1.
- Information for new-comers A one page sheet including QR codes, listing all of the activities that Westwood offers, is available. Look for it in the pamphlet rack and make sure to give it to newcomers.
- Thank you to Steve Bell’s Wednesday a.m. yoga class for their many contributions to the Comfort Tree.

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