Our Westwood Board has been celebrating many successes. We are proud to offer such a variety of community activities. Feel free to join any of them and bring friends who may benefit and become interested in Westwood Unitarian!
Ongoing programs:
Tuesdays: Harmonia choir at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesdays: Mindfulness Meditation at 8 p.m. (except the last Wednesday of the month)
Wednesday: Free Thinkers’ Book Club at 7 p.m. (online the last Wednesday of the month)
Thursdays: Art Playshop on the first and third Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m.
Fridays: Games Night on the fourth Friday of the month at 7 p.m. NEW
Saturdays: Building Connections Dinners several times a year
Sundays: Sunday services at 10:30 a.m., Second Sunday Potlucks at noon

Special events (Save the Date!)
- Beyond Land Acknowledgements, soup and speaker evening, Friday, May 10, 6:00 p.m., speaker Chief Darlene Misik, Papaschase First Nation #136
- Earth-Centred Gatherings, various dates.
- Chorus, the CUC’s conference for UU young adults, will be taking place at Westwood during the May long weekend. Please consider volunteering as a kitchen helper or driver.
- Casino, July 3 and 4, 2024. Lots of volunteers will be needed in a variety of roles on day or night shifts. Watch for the Sign Up, coming soon!
Elections for the board are coming up; if you are interested in being on the board, financial review, or endowment committee please contact Lorian. There are two non-executive positions available on the board.
The AGM is coming up on May 26, 2024, after the service. Committee and task force chairs are reminded to get their reports for the year in to Elaine by April 30.
The Building Connections dinners were a very positive experience. It was an opportunity for Westwood members to get to know each other better.
The tour of Kihcihkaw Aski for May 12 is filling up quickly. It is almost sold out so register quickly if you want to attend. There is a waitlist once all tickets are spoken for.
Save the date for a Karaoke night, June 8, in support of YESS (Youth Empowerment and Support Services).
Chorus (the annual national conference for Unitarian Universalist young adults ages 18-35) will be staying in the Westwood building on the May long weekend. They will need volunteers to drive people between Westwood and UCE and pick people up from the airport. Contact Lorian if you are able to volunteer.

Get out your calendars and Save The Dates of Upcoming Events of Interest, as we sincerely wish to see all of you: members, friends, visitors, seekers, always welcome!
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