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Recording “The Scariest UU Service You’ve EVER Been To!” Liz James & Brenda Jackson, October 29, 2023

A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.

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October 29, 2023 at 10:30 AM MT

Topic: The Scariest UU Service You’ve EVER Been To!

Join us for Halloween festivities featuring Musical Spooky Shenanigans from Harmonia. Also, Liz James will be here, and her sermon will be about the scariest topic she could think of—money. Also, a funny story about broccoli. Spooky music… real talk about money—and even vegetables. You can count on the whole thing to be quite terrifying.

Guest Speaker: Liz James of the Unitarian Universalist Hysterical Society, Mirth and Dignity and The Cracked Cup podcast fame
Service Leader: Brenda Jackson
Musicians: Harmonia, under the direction of Rebecca Patterson, Janice Reynolds pianist
Techs: Bill L., Hannah, & David W.

We hope you enjoy this recording of our in-person and Zoom service. 

Please feel free to share this recording link with your friends and on social media.

We hope to see you live or online, every Sunday, 10:30 AM MT. (Zoom “doors” open at 10 AM.) 

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