November 26, 2023 at 10:30 AM MT
Topic: Building Interfaith Relationships
“Building Bridges across Faith Traditions” is a video project created by the Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education and Action, to promote interfaith dialogue and create connections among faith groups in the city.
Reverend Audrey Brooks, and Netta Phillet, executive director of the Edmonton Interfaith Centre, invite conversation about the video, as it reflect the purpose and mandate of the Interfaith Centre.
Musician: Harmonia with pianist Janice Reynolds
Service Leader: Lorian Kennedy
Techs: Bill, Hannah, & Brenda Niska-Aro
We hope you enjoy this recording of our in-person and Zoom service.
Please feel free to share this recording link with your friends and on social media.
We hope to see you live and online, every Sunday, 10:30 AM MT. (Zoom “doors” open at 10 AM.)
Westwood Unitarian Facebook Page