Social Justice
A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.
Through the many individual efforts and causes of our members: The Westwood community is a means of networking and increasing exposure.
Through the Social Justice Committee, which encourages all to participate in advocacy, education or protest activities but may also act as a body essentially independent of the congregation in those activities.
Through major projects or causes that are approved by the congregation, after being researched and brought to vote by the Social Justice Committee.
Through our congregation’s commitment to be a Welcoming Congregation.
Through our congregation’s engagement with Truth, Healing and Reconciliation.
Through our congregation’s membership in the Canadian Unitarian Council, which researches, votes on, and puts forth position statements on many controversial or neglected social issues such as drug legalization, same sex marriage, aboriginal rights etc.
Contact Westwood’s Social Justice committee:
Did You Know?
Social Justice initiatives have been active at Westwood since its early days. Many thanks to Carl Ulrich for creating a history and summary of Westwood Social Justice work.
This Website has, and continually updates, a TRUTH AND RECONCILAITION REOURCES PAGE.
In addition, Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice (CUSJ) is a voluntary nationwide group, affiliated with but separate from the Canadian Unitarian Council, which applies Unitarian principles primarily through advocacy, lobbying and education.
We look forward to your participation in any of our Social Justice meetings or events. Please check the events calendar for details of these meetings and activities. We usually meet the first Thursday of the month,7:15 pm, at Westwood.
“The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are all part of one another, and all involved in one another.” – Thomas Merton
Social Justice Events
Below you will find the latest events & information from Westwood.