Healing Gardens
A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.
Gardening provides a host of mental and physical health benefits. A quick web search will show both the scientific evidence and personal testimonials, such as this one from nurse practitioner, Lisa Wimmer.
Don’t have a garden of your own? Want the added benefit of social connection?
You are welcome to enjoy being in the gardens anytime. Contact us to get involved.
Possible activities (not necessarily in any order): Watering, Weeding, Planting, Mowing, Harvesting, Chatting
Questions? Want to participate?
grounds@westwoodunitarian.caGarden Resources
Useful resources from our Westwood gardeners. Suggestions for additions are welcome.
Garden News
Below you will find the latest garden news and activities with the Westwood Unitarian.