- Posted On: March 11, 2025
- Category: Whole Building
Serendipity Service
A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.

Come for the conversation: stay for the connections
A summer favourite, and now available on holiday weekends.
Serendipity services are an in person and informal format organized around a theme. Your host (lay leader) will draw from a selection of readings, music, poetry or other inspiration to spark a conversation.
There will also be time to share celebrations and concerns in supportive community.
Contact worship@westwoodunitarian.ca if you would like to lead one of these services. Training and support available.
View Future Dates
Event Details
11135-65 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T6H 1W3
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Are you having issues or technical troubles logging in or is the link not working? Feel free to send us a message and we will help out as quick as possible.