Traditional Lands of Treaty 6 First Nations and the homelands of the Métis Nation of Alberta Region 4.

Westwood Unitarian Congregation

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Dreamspeakers Indigenous Film Festival

A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.

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Now on, in Edmonton!

Dreamspeakers Festival Society is celebrating 30 years presenting Indigenous film, as Canada’s oldest running Indigenous Film Festival since 1993!

Where we tell the story!

April 19-23, 2023

Dreamspeakers produces an international film festival (DIIFF) that celebrates the latest works by Indigenous people’s innovation in film, video, radio, and new media, presenting selections of Indigenous works from around the globe as well as being a Canadian Screen Awards Qualifier. We are screening 52 films this year at Metro Cinemas at the Garneau Theatre, with networking events and development opportunities for artists and audiences (workshops, panel discussions, community dialogues) at the Milner Library. Join us for a special 30th anniversary party and awards celebration with amazing performing artists at Studio96.


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