Traditional Lands of Treaty 6 First Nations and the homelands of the Métis Nation of Alberta Region 4.

Westwood Unitarian Congregation

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A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.

CUC Vision Statement

As Canadian Unitarian Universalists, we envision a world in which our interdependence calls us to love and justice.

As Canadian Unitarian Universalists:

As Canadian Unitarian Universalists, we aspire to be:

Deeply Connected: We strive to foster healthy relationships amongst and within UU communities, with the broader world and with all life. Nous travaillons à cultiver des relations saines entre nous, parmi nos assemblées, avec la société et toute la vie qui nous entourent.

Radically Inclusive: We strive to create hospitable, diverse, multi- generational communities. Nous travaillons à créer des communautés accueillantes, diverses, et multigénérationnelles.

Actively Engaged: We strive to work joyfully for a just and compassionate society, experimenting with new forms of community. Nous travaillons joyeusement pour une société plus juste et compatissante, et nous explorons de nouvelles façons d’être en communauté.

Theologically Alive: We seek to be ever-evolving in our understanding, open to new knowledge. Nous cherchons à évoluer continuellement dans notre façon de voir, toujours ouverts à de nouvelles connaissances et perspectives.

Spiritually Grounded: We seek transformation through personal spiritual experiences and shared ritual. Nous cherchons la transformation à travers les expériences spirituelles personnelles et le rituel partagé.

CUC Events

The CUC, through its small but dedicated staff, provides support for congregations and UU leaders across the country, fostering growth, vitality, and resilience. This support and engagement include board governance, financial sustainability, ministerial transitions, lifespan religious education, youth and young adult engagement, spiritual growth, social justice, refugee sponsorship, truth and reconciliation with Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, and more.

Full details about CUC programs and resources are available on the website,, especially in the Congregations and Leaders section.

The CUC’s Board of Trustees is elected at the Annual General Meeting, attended by delegates from congregations across the country. The Board is responsible for governing the organization and sets long term visions and goals, and monitors the outcomes.

Find out more about how the CUC is governed, and about its Board of Trustees.

Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC)

What is the Canadian Unitarian Council?

The Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) is the national Unitarian Universalist (UU) body that supports Canadian Unitarian Universalist congregations and facilitates Unitarian Universalists from across Canada in expanding their UU roots and connecting with each other.

Our congregation is part of a wider family of Canadian Unitarian and Universalist congregations and communities in Canada. These make up the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC), the national association of member congregations. The CUC, as the national office, is a voice for our vibrant, liberal faith community, within the interfaith community in Canada, and within the international UU community.

As a member of your congregation, by extension, you also have a relationship with the CUC.

Find out more about what it means to live your deepest values out loud in our “We Are Canadian Unitarian Universalists” video.

What does the CUC Do?

The CUC, through its small but dedicated staff, provides support for congregations and UU leaders across the country, fostering growth, vitality, and resilience. This support and engagement include board governance, financial sustainability, ministerial transitions, lifespan religious education, youth and young adult engagement, spiritual growth, social justice, refugee sponsorship, truth and reconciliation with Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, and more.

Full details about CUC programs and resources are available on the website,, especially in the Congregations and Leaders section.

The CUC’s Board of Trustees is elected at the Annual General Meeting, attended by delegates from congregations across the country. The Board is responsible for governing the organization and sets long term visions and goals, and monitors the outcomes.

Find out more about how the CUC is governed, and about its Board of Trustees.

Westwood & the CUC

Westwood is a member of the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC). The CUC holds a Bi-annual Conference and Meeting in May. Westwood sends two delegates to represent Westwood in the votes and discussions held at the business meeting. Westwood’s Social Justice Committee discusses and makes recommendations to Westwood’s delegates on the social justice resolutions presented at the meeting.

Westwood is part of the CUC Western Region. The Western Regional Fall Gathering is held annually in October.

There is often funding available or Westwoodian carpooling potential for CUC events. Check with the Board or Reverend Anne for information if you’re interested in attending.

Westwood Social Justice Committee members are expected to annually renew their membership to  Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice (CUSJ). This is a nationwide group, affiliated with but separate from the Canadian Unitarian Council which applies Unitarian principles through advocacy, lobbying, and education. CUSJ has a blog.

CUC Youth

CUC Youth Ministry serves teens and young adults ages 14 – 20. It provides opportunities for youth to go deeper in their spiritual and ethical development, to develop leadership skills, and to make broader connections with youth and youth advisors nation-wide.

The CUC employs one or more staff members who focuses on Youth and Young Adult Ministry Development.

Youth events include Youth Con at Regional Gatherings, CanUUdle at the CUC Annual Conference and Meeting, and other interesting workshops throughout the year. Youth Connect through Facebook or through your choice of email listserves.

CUC Children

CUC events like the Annual Conference and Meeting or Regional Fall Gatherings have great children’s programs!

Take a closer look at the event information to see what they have to offer kids and junior youth.

Additional child care during these events is available at reasonable rates.

Latest Posts from CUC

Below the posts for CUC and our US Friends in the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA).

A Call for Love and Welcome in the Face of Anti-2SLGBTQIA+ Hate

September 19, 2023 As representatives of the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) and Unitarian…Read more ...

Subscribe to CUC News

Westwood is a member congregation of the Canadian Unitarian Council. There are a…Read more ...


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