About Westwood
A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow, and serve the world.
Westwood Congregation - A compassionate community of free religious thought, inviting all people to rest, grow and serve the world.
We believe that everyone has the right to seek truth and meaning for themselves. We acknowledge and respect the diversity of religions and beliefs of our members and friends including those who identify as non-theists, atheists, agnostics, free-thinkers and humanists. Westwood Unitarian was founded in 1982.
The fundamental tools for defining our beliefs include:
- Our own life experience, our reflections upon it, our intuitive understanding and the promptings of our own conscience.
- Our Unitarian Universalist Principles & Sources are the basis for our religious and moral lives.
- We strive to fulfill our Purpose, Mission & Goals and to be good stewards for our organization and community.
Westwood is
a Welcoming Congregation
Learn MoreWestwood is
Free Thinker Friendly
Learn MoreWestwood is
Pagan & Earth Centred Friendly
Learn MoreWhat happens at our Sunday morning services? Our services are eclectic and often the format and the seating changes. However, most services begin with a chime calling us together, followed by a music piece performed by our guest musician(s). We usually sing a few hymns, chants or rounds. We always make time for the lighting of candles of concern or celebration, where individuals have an opportunity to share important milestones or concerns in their lives. A collection plate is passed to cover the expenses of our self-financing congregation. We usually have a talk/presentation, sometimes by a minister but often by our members or invited guest speakers. We end with a few moments for reflection/meditation followed by a time for conversation. Refreshments are available when public health advice permits. We hope you can come and experience our Sunday services with us.
Please note: Westwood has a scent free policy. We ask all visitors to respect the health and safety of others.